So funny story..... I decided to join my gf at the gym for a workout and told myself that I would run on the treadmill. Ugh.... Because I got there five minutes late, the treadmill next to her was being used, so I had to use the one next to that, (didn't bother me, we still could talk during our workouts). After about twenty minutes, the women in between us got off and a blonde haired woman with a large chest, gets on and starts her workout. At this point, I am just trying to stay focused on the treadmill, but my gf starts to notice that the blonde next to me is HARDCORE checking me out. I am wearing running shorts (longer ones, just above the knee) and a racing singlet. I have sweat glistening on my body, while I am cruising along at 7:30 pace, and she is constantly glaring at me for the next twenty minutes. She was doing "up-downs," she was making "noises," and she even stuck out her chest to try and get my attention. After I finished five miles on the treadmill, I got off, wiped down my machine and went over to the open treadmill next to my gf to run a cool-down mile. The woman then let out a sigh of disappointment. hahaha.
Long Story Short: A Cougar wanted my bod, hardcore.
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