

Today is my 22nd birthday! (Hooray!!!) Now if "all things went according to plan," I would have actually been born in the end of October (Halloween was my expected due date). That is a difference of 85 days, almost three months of valuable fetus-growing time that I missed out on. My mom, as well as the rest of my family members and medical professionals that I tell my birth story too, categorize me as a "one in a million" child and when you are that tiny, it is easy to see why.

I was officially born at two pounds and three ounces and fourteen inches in length. To put that in size comparison, go to your fridge and grab two sticks of butter. Also, grab a ruler (standard 12inch ruler) and add two more inches. It's crazy to recollect on how small I was and how lucky I was to live.
Standing up! Well not really haha

 My outward appearance is not the most pleasant in these photographs. When I look at myself, I frequently consider myself Benjamin Button (because he looked all wrinkly when he was born because he was born old). Notice how my eyes are shut. No, it wasn't because it was bright outside. My eye lids had not developed yet so technically, I was blind.

Too much work to stand up. 

Tubes for days!!

This is one my personal favorite pictures because it really shows the condition I was in when I was born. Breathing tubes, feeding tubes, checking my vitals, everything.
This was my home for three months
Sibling love :)
 This picture to the left is probably one of the first sibling photos ever (now that I think about it). My brother (who had just turned three in this picture) is feeding me with a syringe.
My mom and dad! 

Dr. Richard. 

This is one of the doctors/nurses who saved my life that day. His name is Dr. Richard (hence my middle name).

I hope that everyone has a great day! Live everyday as if it may be your last because you never know what could happen.


EDIT: I found out this morning that my good friend's sister was killed yesterday (8/7/2013) by a drunk driver last night and I would like this post to not only be a celebration of my life, but also hers as well. Although I did not know her personally, if she was anything like her brother, she would have been a charismatic, witty, and overall amazing person.

Moral of the story, don't drink and drive. It is really easy to call up a friend and ask for a ride home, don't put yourself and everyone else at risk of injury because you are too lazy to call a friend. Thoughts are going out to you and your family bud.

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