
Quick Update!

Hello everyone!

Words of wisdom from someone who has taken several upper-division chemistry courses (that are NOT required by his degree)... don't take them!!

Haha. I say that with some slight hatred at the moment because I feel like my lungs are being crushed by the sheer workload of those courses (and all my other classes/commitments). Don't get me wrong, I have learned a ton of material that I would not have had the privilege of learning if I had not taken those courses, but sometimes it can be a little overwhelming.

I digress. So far I have heard back from two of my six graduate school selections (University of Michigan and Penn State) and unfortunately, they both decided that they would not like my admittance in their doctoral programs :/

I still have yet to here back from my other four schools and I hope that I can become accepted to at least one of them! If not, my chances of landing at CWU are getting increasingly larger by the minute.

Keep it real everyone and always save time for a little TrashTalk.


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