

It's that time of the year again, summer vacation. The never-ending Facebook posts about attending graduations and the thrill that finals are done with are slowly fading away. The weather is becoming more "user-friendly," which is always a good thing. I moved out of my house last week, which was kind of a shock to one of my roommates. I could tell that she was pretty upset, but I hope that she knows that although we may have ended on a sour note, I would not have traded that experience for anything. It is surreal that I only have one more year of my undergraduate career, one more year of being a student (that is until graduate school starts!!!). Speaking of graduate school, I am going to register for the GRE tomorrow and will take it at the end of August. I plan on applying to WSU, UW, UC Davis and a few other schools. I will have to get a several letters of recommendation, which I will probably ask for when I arrive back to school (or earlier so I can have those before I take the GRE). I plan on going to school in either organic chemistry or medicinal chemistry, depending on which school I get accepted to. If I do not get accepted into a Ph.D school, I will also apply to the Master's Program at CWU, where I will continue to work under Dr. Fabry. For right now, I will continue to post blogs throughout the summer! Oh on a side note, this time next week, I will have finished my first marathon (and certainly not my last). See ya later!

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