
304.368 Days

It's astonishing yet amazing that I have found this one person, this one girl, that always makes me smile. I have only known this girl since the end of my junior year of high school, yet I feel like I have been her friend since elementary school. There are a lot of things one can do in 304.368 days: Learn a new language through Rosetta Stone, train for a sport, have a baby haha. While I am not thinking about having a baby at this point in time, in the future, distant future, I think it'll be a possibility.

There are so many different characteristics that I like about this girl. She always makes me smile, no matter if I am upset, or if I already happy. She always has this upbeat, sort of spunky, personality, that while is spontaneous, can be a little "cray cray." Her hair is kind of........CRAZY!!!! Its blonde and curly, which makes it really fun to play with, even though she gets annoyed with it sometimes.

I hope that I get to spend another 304.368 days with this lovely, beautiful, exquisite, pretty much perfect girl who has changed me for the better. I wonder if she realizes how of an impact that she has made on my life. Hopefully, I have made the same impact on her.

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