
Spring Break.

Today is my first official day of Spring Break vacation! I feel like this quarter has brought a combination of realization and assurance into my life, within the occasional hurdle here and there. Over the past few days, I have been contemplating about my future career plans, resulting in an eventual switch from my prior major/career path (Education) to Pharmacy. I think that my decision to switch majors was due to my interest in pharmacology/medicine.

Because of this, I have decided that I want to attend graduate school (Either Master's or PhD, depending on which type of program I get into). I am going to apply to multiple programs and evaluate my options from there. I plan on staying in-state. If I do not gain acceptance into a PhD program, I would most likely obtain my Master's from either CWU (my current school) or WSU. I haven't told my family about my most recent choice in attending graduate school, but I think that if I get provided financial support, they would support me in my decision (at least, I can hope for that).

In addition to my graduate school information seeking process, I desperately need to start running again. I barely ran all quarter and I think it was due to my lack of afternoon availability. My spring schedule has all, but one, of my afternoons open, which I will use to get in regular/consistent training for my marathon that I am doing at the end of June. I plan on running the race with my friend Kyle, the same guy I ran the half-marathon with last June (See Rock and Roll post for details about that race).

Nonetheless, I am excited for the conclusion of this year. I am slowly getting ready to enter the "real world," which both excites and partially frightens me. I am privileged that I have great friends, amazing family, and the opportunity that I can do whatever I set my goals to (within reason that is).

But for now, I am going to enjoy my time off!!!

See y'all later!!!

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